In August, 2013, Latri Khenpo Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche and Sonam Gurung Topke will visit Minsk
Retreat program:
1- Dzogchen Ngondro of A-Tri Transmission for – 4-days.
2- ” Jin pa Cha zhi” The Sang, Chu tor , Sur and Choed – one day each.
3- Introduction to “Kyab Droe Tsog zhing ” refugee tree of merit field. 4-days.
4- Theg Chen semkyed. How to generate warm heart towards others and importance of this practice in every day life for happiness to all including your loved ones. 2-days.
5- “TsaLungTrulkhor”. Introduction to TSA ‘Channels’ and LUNG ‘Wind’ of our own body and instructions on how to practice TRULKHOR ‘ Magicalwheels’ the Bodymovements according to ZhangzhungNyenGyud . 3-days.
6- Teaching on 43- Guideline practice on Compassionate mind . 4-days.
7- Brief explanation on ” Der sheg Tso zhi” four major Buddha or enlighten ones.
Pleasefollow the updates on the site – the exact dates will be announced later.