Bon Children’s Home: a Critical Call For Help
At the end of each year Yeru Bon Center sends an end of the year call for help for the children at the Bon Children’s Home in Dolanji India. This year is no different, except we received an email from Phuntsok, the administrator of the Bon Children’s Home laying out the gravity of their financial situation. At the moment there are approximately 140 students inside the walls of The Bon Children’s Home, all in need of basic needs, meals, clothing and other important needs to keep the BCH facilities healthy. It is expensive taking care of children – one, two, three or 140 children. They have needs and they have no outside resources other than what Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s students or friends contribute.
Funds are extremely low at the BCH for basic needs: food, personal hygiene supplies for the children, clothing, medical care, Ayahs and care takers. The children need new blankets, warmer with fewer holes. New beds are needed, as some of them are falling apart after years of use. New clothes and shoes are always needed. With winter coming, warm sweaters and coats are always needed. Together we can all make a difference to help these children at the Bon Children’s Home. Please share this with your friends, families and co-workers who would like to help.
To make a donation and to help the children:
To learn more about the Bon Children’s Home: https://thebonchildrenshome.com/
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