Today is Ven. Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s birthday.
Yungdrung Bon Study Centre
Shardza Ling institute started a Bon educational platform.
Shardzaling Institute founded by Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche, started a platform with Bon Teachings. A simple registration opens access to recordings.
Tsedrup Nienpas (Tsewang Rigzin long life mantra)
You are cordially invited to join Tsedrup nienpa(Tsewang Rigzin long life mantra) accumulation. It is dedicated to Latri Khenpo Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche.
Famous rituals in Bon and Buddhism
- The interview took place in April 2021
Five inner Cham Ma, 28 – 29 January 2023
We invite you for two days teachings with Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche Five inner Cham Ma, 28 – 29 January.
One Hundred Syllables
Sunday, January 23, 2022 Imagine that all sentient beings are freed from negative karmic traces and sicknesses, and that your body is completely purify negative Karma and traces accumulated by non-virtuous deeds of past, present, and future. Filled with the white nectar of the five wisdoms. Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche will be teaching the One … Read more
Ngondro Practice Series
Rinpoche has asked Yeru Bon Center to arrange for Ngondro Practice. December 7, 2021 7:00 pm — January 25, 2022 8:00 pm | Yeru Bon Center