Rinpoche’s New Year Message

Losar Tashi Delek (New Year card)


Losar Tashi Deleg!


Happy Losar Wishes! Hello to all my students, friends, and supporters of Yeru Bon Center and BCH worldwide!


First of all, I wish all of you Losar Tashi Deleg (Lo: New year, Sar: New, Tashi: Prosperate or Good Luck, Deleg: Joy, may all be good).


Losar is one of the most important celebration and gathering of Tibetan families. We gather in our homes., as well as out, on these days and celebrate Losar together. Traditionally, the day before New Year’s Eve is known as 29th day ofthe 12th Month of Tibetan Calendar. At the Monastery we have big gathering after three or four days of a special Ceremony for the Yidam deity. At the end of the special Ceremony, we make a public blessing with Dhogpa. Dhogpa is a cleansing all bad luck and negative energy of individuals or the community. It is meant to pacify negative energy, and to receive blessings from your Rinpoche.


In the evening, for dinner we will have a special Thugpa (soup) called Gu Thug. This is a kind of stew, with a collection of nine different symbolical words written on pieces of paper. We put the papers in mixed flour and make balls with the paper inside, and open them when having family dinner.


Then next day, which is the last day of the  old year, is very busy. Each family cleans their house and prepares their altar, placing on it very rich offerings to welcome the New Year, and also preparing Tibetan Khabsey, which is traditional pastry somewhat like a cookie, made of dough boiled in oil, and other good things to eat. Then everyone will put on their new clothes for New Year. When we were children, the most exciting part was to get new clothes from our parents!


Then most of the family members go to bed, but the Mother and elder sister wake up very early in the morning to get fresh water from our drinking water source. The idea is to be the first person to get the fIrst water of the year, and to make tea and make offering, first to your own altar, and then to take tea and Khyabsey to your teacher in the area, and wish him happy Losar, and then receive blessings from him.

After that, all family members wish each other a happy Losar by saying” Losar Tashi Deleg.” Then we take a bit of Chemar (which is made by mixing Tsampa and butter), wish each other longl ife, prosperity and good luck. Then we put the Chemar in our mouth, and take our seats at the table.


That day is mostly for Family only. No one goes out anywhere, except to receive blessing from the Rinpoche. On the first day of the New Year traditionally we don’t spend money, don’t use any negative words or harsh words, and are very polite and positive to all.


In the morning everyone prays for happiness and health of all family members, and for great prosperity and good luck in the days to come.


So on the very first day of the New Year, it is important to plant the positive seed of our fortune and luck with our thoughts. Therefore, is important to think positive thoughts and good wishes for all, including ourselves and our loved ones.


At the same time, enjoy life and time with your loved ones, because we never know when such joyous time will appear again. Therefore, be positive and be present with what you have.


Everyone should remember to join at your nearest Bon Center, if possible, for the 660th birth anniversary of Gyalwa Nyam Med Sherab Gyaltsen on February 13. On this day, the effectiveness of all our prayers is multiplied by 100,000.


Also, on that date, join in the Third Annual Yeru 24 Hour Global prayer for world peace and harmony, from 7 – 8 pm your local time.


I pray for everyone to enjoy happiness, good health, long life, and world peace and harmony!


With blessing and prayers,



Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche