Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche is currently leading Sidpe Gyalmo (Yeshe Walmo) healing waters group practices at Yeru Bӧn Center over Zoom. Rinpoche has invited everyone to join the fierce mantra (Drag Ngag of Yeshe Walmo) accumulation. Everyone is asked to record how many mantras you recite during August 2020, both during and outside of Tuesday practice. (If you have accumulated since July, you may add those too.) The mantras collectively accumulated will be offered during a large Tsog offering, which will take place during the first week of September. We will announce the dates later. In the meantime, keep practicing! And record how many mantrasyou have recited using this google form: https://forms.gle/hGwKJsktVNaQ5mRF7
Or visit website: https://yeruboncenter.org/sidpa-gyalmo-protection-and-healing-practice-for-coronavirus